Hi, I'm

Learn more about me here, or see my work on GitHub.

The skills and projects sections of this site are very badly out of date.


JavaScript React Redux Webpack Babel Node.js Express Postgres Sequelize Mocha Chai Sass HTML5 CSS3



I graduated from University of Chicago with a Political Science degree, and spent a couple years exploring and working in different roles. I discovered that I loved jobs where I could learn, grow, and develop my skills, which led me to programming.

I had no traditional computer science background, but I taught myself Javascript and rapidly fell in love with coding. I loved the creativity of breaking down complex technical problems and solving them piece by piece, and I loved the way every project and algorithm taught me something new. Much as I learned on my own, I wanted to explore programming with classmates and a curriculum, so I applied to Fullstack Academy of Code.

Fullstack is a 17 week intensive full stack (obviously?) web development bootcamp, focusing on JavaScript, Express, Sequelize, React, and Redux. I got a lot out of the technical parts of the program, and learned even more from working with my classmates and doing group projects. As a professional engineer, I've worked as TA at a different bootcamp, as well as at ClassPass, a small fitness startup, Northwestern Mutual, a gigantic 160 year old insurance company, and currently at Compass, a medium size real estate tech company. The first two roles were primarily frontend with React and Redux and some backend in Python and Kotlin, and Compass is a fullstack role with React and Go.

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